Dated 30 Oct 1798, Rec 6 Jun 1809
Updated November 25, 2022
In the name of God Amen. I, Edgecome [sic] Guilliams of the county of Franklin and State of Virginia being sick and weak of body, of sound mind and memory, thanks be to God for his mercies and calling to ____ the mortality of my body and that it is appointed forever once to die, make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say, principal, and first of all
I recommend my soul unto the hands of God that gave it me and my body to the earth to be buried in decent manner at the discretion of Executors; and as touching such worldly goods wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with, I give devise and dispose same in the following manner and form viz.
First I desire my debts to be paid out of my Estate
Secondly I will and bequeath to my wife Adelphi Guilliams the lands and plantations whereon I now live, except what is laid off my two sons William and John Guilliams, also all the residue, personal estate freely to be disposed and enjoyed [by] her during her widowhood, and at her Death or marriage [sic] I desire said land to be equarly [sic] divided between by three sons, Richard, George, and Robert Guilliams and all my person estate except my daughters Charity, and Mary Guilliams and them I give each a bed and furniture also a Negreo [sic] woman named Lucy and her increase, if any at my wife’s death or marige [sic] and all my personal Estate to be divided between my sons William, John, Richard, George and Robert Guilliams with an allowance of what William and John had had and I also appoint my wife Adelphe Guilliams, William Mullines and William Standley my sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 30th of October one thousand, seven hundred and ninety eight published pronounced by said Edgecome Guilliams to be his Last Will and Testament.
Sig: Edgecome Guilliams
In presence of
John Hunter
James Young
Ann Young
At a Court held for Franklin County, June 2, 1806
This Last Will & Testament of Edgecomoe Guilliams decease was proved by the oath of John Hunter, James Young and Ann Young, he Witnesses hereto subscribed and order to be received.
And at a Court held for the said County June 6th 1809
On the motion of Adelphe Guilliams, the Executrix herein named who took the oath prescribed by Law and gave bond and security conditioned as the Law directs certificate is granted her for obtaining a probated in due form, Liberty being reserved to the other Executors in the said Will named to join in the probated where they shall think fit.
James Callaway

- Franklin County, Will Book 1, page 342-343